Getting a server

A guide on how to use and navigate the Team Fortress 2 on-demand booking service.

Before you start

  • Ensure you have the required Discord roles.
  • Review guidelines before using the services.

Booking a server

  1. Select the #tf2-booking channel in Discord.
  2. Check server availability in your desired location by typing /booking status.
  3. Ensure you allow direct messages from server members in Discord settings > privacy & safety.
  4. Use the /booking create command and select the optional region parameter to choose a location.


If you want to set a default booking location, you can use /settings booking-region.

Booking length

When booking a server, you will have 15 minutes to have at least two players on the server, otherwise, the server will automatically unbook. Once you have met the minimum player requirement, your server will remain booked until this threshold is no longer met.


Abusing the booking length system will result in account suspension.

Booking response times

The response times of a server booking can vary depending on the technology used. Server bookings with the fastest response times on average are locations where dedicated servers are being utilised. Less popular locations don't warrant the use of a dedicated server; this is where an on-demand server approach is used as it's cost-effective but can result in slower book times.


  • Dedicated Response Time: ~1 minute
  • On-demand Response Time: ~1-5 minutes

Customising your server

Tier 1 and above subscribers will have access to customise the following server features:

Protecting your server

To help protect your server against DDOS attacks, you can enable a feature called Valve SDR by typing /settings server-valve-sdr. A list of other benefits this feature can provide is listed below:

  • Enhanced player privacy.
  • Potential routing improvement for certain regions.


If you have routing issues after enabling Valve SDR, you can connect using the original server address; however, this can expose the server to potential

Another best practice to protect your server is setting your steam to offline before joining a server. If you remain online after joining a server and then go offline; this can still expose the address of the server.

Sending a server to your friend

Tier 3 subscribers will have access to the /booking create for-friend command, where they can have both a personal server and one for their mate.

Choosing a server variant

Server variants allow you to choose the type of booking (e.g. Competitive, MGE and Jump). To choose a server variant, type /booking create variant.


Our Discord services use Slash Commands, you can find more information about this feature hereopen in new window.

/booking server-logs

List and download match log files from an active server booking.

/booking server-demos

List and download demo files from an active server booking.

/booking rcon

Send an RCON command to your active server booking.

Optional Parameters

  • command: RCON command to send (Default: status).
    • status
    • changelevel
    • exec

/booking create

Create a new server booking.

Optional Parameters

  • region: Select a server location.
  • provider: Select a server provider (Restricted: Tier 3).
  • for-friend: Book a server for another (Restricted: Tier 3).
  • variant: Select a game variant to use (E.g. Competitive or Jump server).

/booking status

Check server availability across regions.

Optional Parameters

  • continent: Filter regions by continent.
  • tag: Filter regions by tag (E.g. Australia, NA, Tokyo).


The status response message will indicate how many servers are currently being used (E.g. 0/2 means there are no servers being used out of an available two. 3/5 means there are three servers being used out of an available five).

/settings booking-region

Set a default booking location.

Required Parameters

  • region: Select a location.

/settings server-tv-name

Update server STV name.

Required Parameters

  • name: Set a new STV name (Cannot use Symbols).

/settings server-hostname

Update server name.

Required Parameters

  • name: Set a new server name (Cannot use Symbols).

/settings server-password

Update server password.

Optional Parameters

  • password: Set a new server password.


Type * when setting a password to generate it randomly.


If password parameter isn't selected when setting a new password, the server will be created with no password.

/settings server-rcon-password

Update server RCON password.

Required Parameters

  • password: Set a new RCON password.


Type * when setting a password to generate it randomly.

/settings server-valve-sdr

Enable or disable Valve SDR connection mode.

Required Parameters

  • enable: Enable or disable feature
Last Updated:
Contributors: Kodyn Kugis